Thursday, January 29, 2015

Home again, 1/29/15

Here we are, nearly the end of the week, which is also near the end of the month, of the first month of the new year.  Time flies, huh?

It sure feels good to get home and get my shoes off.  Today was hotter than average for the Houston area, and when that happens, my feet get hot.  So, when I get home, it is a relief to take my shoes off.  Feels sooooooo good.

It took 3 hours to do the last 2 deliveries and then get back home.  Sometimes, it just doesn't seem worth it.  All that time, and I didn't make all that much money.  Today wasn't a bad day, though.  A total of 11 deliveries, which isn't bad.  It isn't great, but it isn't bad.

I noticed that the stock market rallied today.  My short position is getting creamed again.  It's kinda more like a put option with no expiry.  The worst thing that can happen is that it goes to zero.  In order for it to go to zero, the market has to rally forever.

It is frustrating to watch the markets sometimes.  Impossible to predict with any certainty.  Not unless you've got inside information or somebody powerful on your side who will give you a heads up.  Otherwise, the risks could get to you.  But this position won't get to me because I can take the loss no matter how bad it gets.  I can afford to be patient, but the patience needed seems endless.

I wanted to write something about da Ranch, but there's not a whole lot more to add.  I think the cattle panel idea is a great one in order to make sturdy structures easily and cheaply.  I can make 3 of these for less than a thousand, I estimate.  There'll be one on the north side, then a green house to the south of the canopy, and then a chicken tractor to the west.  The east will be the approach to the canopy, and that's where I'll park.

I want a deck for my shed, and I was just thinking of how to do that.  Use some cinder blocks to raise it about six inches, then put 2x4 across it before laying down the pallets.  On top of the pallets, nail down the plywood deck, and then build the shed on top of it.  If the shed is 16 feet long, I'll have plenty of room for other things besides da Coffin.

Maybe the worms can go in there.  But it might get too cold in winter, and it would be too hard to warm it up.  In that case, it can be made a greenhouse as well, but with a tarp on it in the summer time.  The greenhouse set up will help keep it warm, but not as warm as the one facing the south.

I plan on having worms, chickens, and spirulina.  All need to be kept warm in the winter.

Water will have to be trucked in as well as propane gas.  Also will need supplies.  The plan is to make a trip every two weeks for these items.

To pay for all this, will have to sell my worm castings and maybe the chicken manure could be worth something.  I'm not expecting much income from these sources.  All in all, the proposition still looks shakey.

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