Saturday, November 22, 2014

Something just occurred to me

In looking for further news about the latest amnesty, I found my usual source for the lefty point of view.  Yet, Maha had nothing much to say about it.  Instead, what I found there was this insistence that the left has "no spine".  Seems like a pretty familiar complaint that the rank and file conservatives have about our "moderates".  Then it occurred to me, after she mentioned that the media usually kowtows to the "right" ( if you believe that), that the left can say with the straight face that the media isn't biased.  Why?  Because it isn't lefty enough.  Yep.  Those on the left are really out-of-the-ballpark left.  They might as well be commies.  If you are a commie, then the NY Times looks like a capitalist pig operation.

It can also be said of Fox News.  It isn't right wing to conservatives because it isn't conservative enough.

Having said that, the left will charge that those calling Fox News as moderate are a bunch of fascists.  But fascism isn't a conservative point of view.  Fascism is more of a thing of the left.

Those who get caught up in the left and right need to listen to the Speech given by Ronald Reagan.  It isn't about right or left, it is about freedom and tyranny.

One thing to remember, the media is definitely biased toward the Democrat party.  Whether or not you call it left or right, it is still a bias.

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