Thursday, March 20, 2014

Grow up

I took down the donate button.  It wasn't generating any revenue anyway.  The Amazon link has been gone for awhile now, so the effort to generate revenue with the blog is now over.

Not that I have something against making money.  There's nothing wrong with making money as long as you aren't doing it dishonestly.

Now, I brought this up because of the tendency in our culture to be too self-absorbed.  A society can take just so much of that.  If the society can't stand on its own virtue, then a lot of that remaining virtue, which is being taken for granted, will also go away.

I was attempting to make money off something like this and came to the conclusion that it was a mistake.  Besides, I never thought that what I was doing was a charity.  I felt that I earned what I would have made, so I don't feel that I was going around asking for a handout.  If nobody thinks this blog is worth supporting with their bucks, then I'll accept that verdict.  But I can't accept the blog as being worthless.  Not exactly the same thing.  The value is there even if it cannot be monetized.  So, it won't be monetized.  The message will remain.

This overconcern for self is like being a baby.  A baby cares about one thing and one thing only, which is its own needs.  A society of overgrown infants cannot last for long.  Are we a society of overgrown infants?  Could be.

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