Saturday, January 25, 2014

Our Future Could Be Awesome If Only...

American Thinker

...Matt Damon film, 'Elysium', a typical leftwing paranoiac entry, but there was something in the story that I found enticing. On the utopian Elysium space station, there was an MRI device that could cure whatever illness the patient inside was suffering from without invasive surgery. Sounds very futuristic but the fact is- not really.--Alicia Colon
 I saw the film at a local IMAX theater.  You have to take everything in these movies with a grain of salt.  But that bit about curing everything with just one machine is more than a bit interesting.  Besides that, a space station isn't a century away, either.  That is, unless something bad happens.  In that case, there may never be any space stations at all.  We are all living on a tight rope.  Great things or awful things are possible.

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