Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ellis: Romney's Answer To "Forward" Is "Brown Energy"

How can the Republican win the future? Fracking!  Buzzfeed h/t Real Clear Energy

  • President Obama, said Luce, needed to find a “theme” upon which to base his re-election campaign.
  • New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, in a follow-on blog post, seconded the motion.
  • The purpose of “Forward” is to frame the election choice; backward-looking Neanderthals (Republicans) against the modern and magnificent Obama.
  • The next great boom will be powered (in this case quite literally) by the technological revolution that is happening, right now, in America’s energy industry. New extractive technologies — “fracking” being the most discussed — will make us richer than we ever imagined possible. Energy genomics — biology doing for energy what it did for agriculture — will make us richer still.
  • Therein lies Mitt Romney’s opportunity... do everything in its power to accelerate brown power (natural gas, basically)
Note: [emphasis and link added to excerpts above]

Green power v brown power.  More Us v Them.  This is kinda lame, but I like it that somebody may actually try to sell the notion that we need energy that actually works, as opposed to some green pipe dream.

The theme already exists, and Obama tried to co opt it.  It is called "all of the above" energy.  Obama doesn't mean it.  Romney could take it over and make it believable.  No need for an Us v Them theme.

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